Other Languages

Disclaimer: We do not necessarily speak these languages and so cannot ensure the accuracy of the translations. However, our anesthesia colleagues who are competent in each language have done these translations. Please read the manual first and make sure it is clear and accurate in your language, and for your setting. Of note, given the time needed for translations, other language versions will often be based upon an English version slightly older than the latest. In addition, please see the general disclaimer.

Language Options

Please click a language below to download a pdf manual in that language. Some other languages are in progress. *If you do not see the language you desire here, and are an anesthesiologist with experience in crisis checklists, you may email us with your proposed language and your qualifications at EMadminanes@lists.stanford.edu.

NOTE:  Many of the translations listed below are from the prior version 3. Version 4 of the English manual launched fall 2021 and translations are in progress. This mobile version is an interactive pdf so that you can quickly jump to and from crises events and table of contents.

Chinese Manual

Chinese (Mandarin) translation by Jeffrey Huang (Department of Anesthesiology, Moffitt Cancer Center & University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine) and Hui Zhang (Department of Anesthesiology, School of Stomatology Hospital, The Air Force Medical University, Xi’an, China)

Dutch Manual

Eveleens FM, Koers L, Schuppen van JL, Schlack WS, Preckel B.

Koers L, Eveleens FM, Eberl S, Stevens MF, Schlack WS, Preckel B.

French Manual

Traduction française par M. Kurrek1,2, P. Zetlaoui 3, P. Trouiller 4, G. De Saint Maurice 5, Y. LeManach 6, M. Lefebvre-Lanquetin 2, Q. Vidal 2, T. Geeraerts 2, V. Minville 2 L. Bosch 2, L. Ligneres 2, C. Halimi 2, C. Dilasser 2, K. Arandel 2, C. Ba 2, AC Dupuy 2, F. Leca 2, L. Mattera 2, M. Pichon 2, C. Septembre 2et Olivier Fourcade 2
[1.Université de Toronto, Canada 2.CHU Toulouse, France 3.CHU Bicêtre 4.Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Sud 5.Hôpital d’instruction des armées Percy, Clamart 6.Université McMaster, Hamilton, Canada]

German Manual

Übersetzung auf Deutsch von Matt Kurrek 1, Peter Kranke 2, Christian Klein 2,Larissa Mayer2 and Maximilian Kippnich 2
1. Universität Toronto, Kanada 2. Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg (Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Roewer)

Korean Manual

Korean translation by: Hannah Lee, Ho Geol Ryu, Department of Anesthesiology, Seoul National University Hospital

Portuguese Manual

Traducao para o portugues por Ranger Cavalcante da Silva, CIAC Clinica Integrada de Anestesiologia de Curitiba.

Spanish Manual

Traducción al español por Rodrigo Rubio-Martínez, Anestesiólogo, Daniel Ríos-Gil
Anesthesia department, Centro Médico ABC, Ciudad de México, México.

Ukrainian Manual

Translation by a Bogomolets National Medical University team from departments of surgery, anesthesiology, and intensive care: Kateryna Bielka, associate professor, MD, PhD; Sirenko Ihor, assistant professor, MD; Khomenko Olena, assistant professor, MD, PhD; Didenko Marina, MD. Disseminated via the Ukraininan Association of Anesthesiologists, and adopted by many hospitals in Ukraine as a local standard.

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